Fingerprinting hours are scheduled from 10 AM – 11 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the Wallingford Police Department. Please enter the main lobby and look for the Records Division window.

The Wallingford Police Department only fingerprints residents or persons employed in Wallingford. At this time, we do NOT offer fingerprinting for FBI record checks.

  • Pistol permit applicants must pre-enroll to be fingerprinted and pay the state fee of $88.25 online. The website to enroll is The service code specific for Wallingford Police Department pistol permit fingerprints is 1718-2DDE. You must bring a printed copy of the barcode/tracking number with you to be fingerprinted.
  • Employers must obtain a separate service code through the State of Connecticut for prospective employees.
  • Please note that we no longer ink print. You must contact the State Police to be ink printed.